The May 2012 Crash in Kansas

It is our black Santa Fe in the eastbound lane facing west. The car was coming westbound in our lane passing a semi. We attempted to move to the shoulder, but she did too.
We then moved back to the driving lane, as did she. Ran out of time to opted to hit her head on. We obviously spun 180 degrees.
Two teenages in the car and two geezers in the SUV were transported to the hospital. All declared non-critical and discharged--very fortunate!


After spending two days trying to figure out how to get back home as rental cars are non-existent in those little towns, and we had no way of getting to larger ones,
a local resident hit upon a solution (genius). So we packed it up and headed home.


Each day is better but will take some time for the old folks to mend. Dr. said about 6 weeks for my ribs (fractured 4). Here's Ed with the White Knight!


Puzzles 2012
The Christmas 2011 puzzle

Puzzles 2011

Thanksgiving 2010

Christmas Puzzle 2008


Christmas Puzzle 2006


Snow in Albuquerque Dec 29-31, 2006


The Christmas 2005 Puzzle

June 2005 Kate and Ed Visit Char and Bruce and Bill and Kare


Hemi The New Cat June 2004
Here is our latest acquisition. She was a neighbor stray which has now become our money pit!! Great cat--lots of personality.

2004 Puzzle - 3 weeks!
Ed gave me this puzzle for Christmas years ago. I never did it as it was 1,000 pieces, was taking too long to put together, and I was working at the time. So after I did the one you sent [Christmas 2003 below], I got this one out and gave it a go. I think it has taken me about three weeks to put it together. I couldn't even get the border put together correctly in one corner until I completed it today!!  Please note that the trademark for the picture is on the left edge--it really made putting it together a pain as I figured it should be on the lower right had corner like most normal puzzles!! Nothing about this sucker was normal.

Christmas 2003 Puzzle - 8 Days!

Kate's Birthday presents 2003

(old cloudy window in study on left) New Windows July 2003

Don't we love wolves?

2002 Puzzle Day 6-1/2

Christmas Present 2001

Kate finally gets around to last year's (2000) puzzle!! A doozie!!
day 1  day 5
day 10  day 15
day 20